نتالي بسمه. سيدة لبنانية فقدت 100 كغ.. هكذا أصبحت

و تضوي كل دارة لو يرجع نهارا
قالت برجك فين برجي بالسما My goal is to empower you to live whole, eat well, and feel amazing

اغنية ناتالى

I used to be morbidly obese, yes, a solid 150 kilos 350 pounds and I have managed to lose the weight over the years by incorporating a healthy and a more active lifestyle.

لاي لا لاي لا لا لالالا لاي لالا لالالا لا لا لاي لاي لا حظي بالهوا
وأضافت أنها ابتعدت عن الحلويات الوجبات السريعة، واستبدلتها بالفواكه والخضار والألياف
What started as my personal journey in 2013 has now evolved into a life-long mission to help the global community take control of how they feel every day
I often get asked about my workouts


Nathalie completed a dietetic internship while receiving her M.

اغنية ناتالى
اغنية ناتالى
What started as my personal journey in 2013 has now evolved into a life-long mission to help the global community take control of how they feel every day
و تضوي كل دارة وجه القمر ليها After losing more than 30 kg her passion and curiosity about health and nutrition grew which was when she decided to pursue a career in the field to help motivate others to reach their full potential
I absolutely love to cook and in the past years, I transformed my non-healthy cooking lifestyle to one that is simply healthy and delicious

اغنية ناتالى

I love intense weight training, tennis, Zumba and outdoor activities when the weather permits.

My name is Nathalie Basma- nutritionist, life coach, well-being advocate, lover of delicious food, and fitness enthusiast
اغنية ناتالى
وأضافت أنها ابتعدت عن الحلويات الوجبات السريعة، واستبدلتها بالفواكه والخضار والألياف
لبنانية تخسر 100 كيلو جرام من وزنها وتتحول إلى أشهر خبيرة تغذية..صور
I absolutely love to explore various parts of the world and traveling goes hand in hand with nutrition and a healthy lifestyle