كوريا الشمالية. قناة نسمة التونسية

The Two Koreas : a contemporary history Addison-Wesley, 1997, 472 pages,• North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, is one of the world's most oppressive, closed, and vicious dictatorships — News about North Korea and human rights• -South Korean alliance: time for a change
Bruce Cumings, Origins of the Korean War Vol The website of the at• , Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea, , 199, 336 pages,• Defense and Security: A Compendium of National Armed Forces and Security Policies

كوريا الشمالية تحذّر شبابها من التحدث بلغة كوريا الجنوبية العامية

Lerner, The Pueblo Incident: A Spy Ship and the Failure of American Foreign Policy, University Press of Kansas, 2002, hardcover, 408 pages,• It is perhaps the last living example of pure totalitarianism — control of the state over every aspect of human life.

كوريا الشمالية
Bruce Cumings, Inventing the Axis of Evil: The Truth About North Korea, Iran, and Syria, , 2006, paperback,• DeRouen, Karl; Heo, Uk 2005
خريطة كوريا الشمالية
, Tom October 23, 2006
شاهد.. نحافة زعيم كوريا الشمالية المفاجئة تثير التكهنات
The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag, Basic Books
, Steve Knipp, Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship and one of the most restrictive countries in the world
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, which deprived North Korea of vital economic support, the regime has consistently attempted to secure from the US a non-aggression pact, recognition of its sovereignty, and economic assistance , Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History, , 1998, paperback, 527 pages,• Robert Willoughby, North Korea: The Bradt Travel Guide

عرض العناصر حسب علامة : كوريا الشمالية

1983 "North Korea in 1983: Transforming "The Hermit Kingdom"? North Korea, run by a Stalinist dictatorship for almost six decades, is largely closed to foreign reporters and it is impossible to independently check today's claims.

كوريا الشمالية
"The Rise of Korean Nationalism and Communism"
عرض العناصر حسب علامة : كوريا الشمالية
Helen-Louise Hunter, Kim Il-song's North Korea
الفرق بين كوريا الشمالية والجنوبية
So does Stalinist North Korea