تقييم النسويه. رسالة ماجستير بعنوان تقييم مجلات العلاقات العامة النسوية في الأردن

, Community-based participatory research for health Guadalajara, Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara
Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion , and Van Ormer, A

تقييم فعالية آليات دعم المقاولة النسوية في الاقتصاد الجزائري: قراءة إحصائية Evaluation of the effectiveness of mechanisms to supporting women entrepreneurship in the Algerian economy: Statistical reading

Social Science and Medicine, 55 4 , 459-468.

اختبار النسوية
Nationalen Vrouwenraad van Nederland, 1902
الفصل 1. نموذجنا الخاص بالتغيير والتحسين المجتمعيين
Analyzing the contribution for community change to population health outcomes in an adolescent pregnancy prevention initiative
تقييم ذكوريتك
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications
The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Toward A Recognition of Androgyny
For the centrality of "equality" and "difference" feminism and their mutual metamorphosis, see : Has feminism changed science? "Stability and Innovation in the Women's Movement: A Comparison of Two Movement Organizations" Penn Libraries University of Pennsylvania

القيادة والمشاركة السياسية

Analyzing a community-based coalition's efforts to reduce health disparities and the risk for chronic disease in Kansas City, Missouri.

القيادة والمشاركة السياسية
Furthermore, it was only in 1985 that a legal reform abolished the stipulation that the husband had the sole power to administer the children's property
اتجاهات فكرية في النظرية النسوية
tr Abdelhamid Majid Ismail, abdelhamidmajidismail gmail
تقييم فعالية آليات دعم المقاولة النسوية في الاقتصاد الجزائري: قراءة إحصائية Evaluation of the effectiveness of mechanisms to supporting women entrepreneurship in the Algerian economy: Statistical reading
Encounters in the Virtual Feminist Museum: Time, Space and the Archive