فصيلة دم الحمار. قصة: ناصر صلاح

at BGMUT Blood Group Antigen Gene Mutation Database at ,• Giger U, Kilrain CG, Filippich LJ, Bell K November 1989 Andrews GA, Chavey PS, Smith JE November 1992
"Expansion of the canine A blood group system" "Reactivity of lichen lectins with blood typed canine erythrocytes"

حقائق عن فصيلة الدم A

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

لماذا تختلف فصائل الدم عن بعضها؟؟
Malik R, Griffin DL, White JD, Rozmanec M, Tisdall PL, Foster SF, Bell K, Nicholas FW 2005
فصيلة الدم (غير بشري)
Symons M, Bell K 1991
معنى و شرح رسن الحمار ام ربط الحمار في المعجم الوسيط معجم عربي عربي و قاموس عربي عربي
at BGMUT Blood Group Antigen Gene Mutation Database at ,• at BGMUT Blood Group Antigen Gene Mutation Database at ,• "Frequencies of feline blood groups in the United States"
"Determination of the prevalence of feline blood types in the UK" Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
"Canine blood groups: description of 20 specificities" The donkey knocks to greet, because he is hungry or unhappy, or when he mates

فصيلة الدم AB


انواع فصائل دم الحيوانات
It is also expressed by moans, grunts, sighs, or blows, and much by body language: loving rubbing and nibbling, menacing looks, lying ears, and lashing of the tail in signs of aggression
لماذا تختلف فصائل الدم عن بعضها؟؟
30 4 Pt 1 : 698—702
انواع فصائل دم الحيوانات
Symons M, Bell K 1992