בית ספר שורשים נטור. שורשים (ספר)

Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2008
About the time the King's soldiers came, the eldest of these four sons, Kunta, when he had about 16 rains, went away from his village to chop wood to make a drum 3 Fall 1977 : 87—111


", Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 89 January 1981 : 3—26.

שורשים (ספר)
"", The New York Times, p
שורשים (ספר)
"", The New York Times, p
Although some family trees name Thomas Jarnigan Lea as the father of Kizze's son "Chicken George" Lea this is impossible because Thomas Lea was born in 1799 and George Lea was born in 1806! Mills, Elizabeth Shown; Mills, Gary B
"Uprooting Kunta Kinte: On the Perils of Relying on Encyclopedic Informants," History of Africa 8 1981 : 205—217 Andreeva, Nellie, , Deadline Hollywood, November 5, 2013
"", The New York Times, p Journal of Mississippi History 53 4 : 321—336


The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Virginia Historical Society 89 1 : 3—26.

שורשים (ספר)
Calls and Responses: The American Novel of Slavery since Gone with the Wind
Those documents, along with the myriad textural details of what were contemporary indigenous lifestyles, cultural history, and such that give Roots flesh have come from years of intensive research in fifty-odd libraries, archives, and other repositories on three continents
and he was never seen again
Roots is a work of the imagination rather than strict historical scholarship It was an important event because it captured everyone's imagination
2 Summer 1995 : 46—62 "", The New York Times, p

שורשים (ספר)

December 27, 2015 , "",.

, Chapter 9: Mark Ottaway
"Roots and the New 'Faction': A Legitimate Tool for CLIO?
שורשים (ספר)
"The Effect of 'Roots' and the Bicentennial on Genealogical Interest among Patrons of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History," Journal of Mississippi History 1991 53 4 : 321—336• Haley not only fail to document his story, but they contradict each and every pre-Civil War statement of Afro-American lineage in Roots! "The Prize Fight Over Alex Haley's Tangled 'Roots'", , October 30, 1998