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I hereby give consent for my personal data i I knew that I wanted a black cocktail-style dress as well as a more summery short dress
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With a summer party looming, I decided I better order in a few dresses, and to do so I went directly to Next
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Luckily, it was available in my size, and I ordered it hoping it would turn up in time for the party Coupon Added: 1 year ago• Coupon Added: 3 years ago• Coupon Added: 2 years ago• Coupon Added: 3 years ago• Where can I find discounts for Next? We also have a popular money saving blog! They've become rightly renowned for their classic take on seasonal trends, which take their fans from a day at the office to a day at the races, along with a colourful, coordinated range of beachwear, not to mention their cleverly cut options for both its petite, curvy and tall customers

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Later that night, I wore the dress to the party
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I got invited to a party the next day, Saturday, and had only 24 hours to find the perfect dress