قطوفها دانية. ودانية عليهم ظلالها وذللت قطوفها تذليلا

The children recovered by the grace of Allah and the three of them began to fast as avowed St Louis Missouri USA Chapter 7, Page 162
Then they will bathe in the other spring and a glow of delight will run all over them Likewise, when a man himself is benefited by a good treatment from another person, he is from within forced to commend and appreciate it even though he might be looking upon good acts and qualities as ignorance folly and antiquated things, 2 In every man Allah has placed the faculty of conscience the lawwamah , which checks and pricks him every time he is about to commit an evil, or is in the process of committing it, or has already committed it

ودانية عليهم ظلالها وذللت قطوفها تذليلا

This is among the things of which there is nothing like in this world.

قطوفها دانية
The object is not only to make man affirm that there has indeed passed on him such a time but also to make him think that the God Who developed and shaped him into a perfect man from an insignificant, humble beginning, would not be helpless to create him once again
فَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِيَ كِتَابَهُ بِيَمِينِهِ فَيَقُولُ هَاؤُمُ اقْرَءُوا كِتَابِيَهْ
Likewise, these very signs, inside man and outside him, clearly point also to the Resurrection and Hereafter
custserv.org: قطوفها دانية
[77:21] Upon them will be garments of green sundus a kind of fine silk , and of istabraq a kind of thick silk
In any case, to feed a helpless person who cannot do anything to earn a living is an act of great virtue This verse signifies that whenever they vow to do a good act, they invariably fulfill the vow
Maternity and Gynecology Care, Mosby Year Book Publishing Inc As for the wrongdoers, for them He has prepared a painful punishment

قطوفها دانية

For example, when a man confronts the question of earning a living for himself, he finds many ways before him of which some are lawful, as for example lawful kinds of labor, service, trade and business, industry, or agriculture, and some are unlawful as thievery, robbery, picking pockets, prostitution, trading in money on interest , gambling, bribery and unlawful kinds of services and business, etc.

سورة الانسان الآية 14
Proclaim whatever is unlawful and forbidden to be so openly even if an immoral person might press you hard to show some lenience in this condemnation, and proclaim whatever is false as false and whatever is true as true publicly even if the disbelievers might use all their influence to silence you, or to make you adopt a little lenience in this regard
سورة الانسان الآية 14
In any case, these righteous people have been regarded as praiseworthy either because they carry out the duties enjoined by Allah, or because if they vow to Allah to perform certain good deeds which Allah has not enjoined on them, they fulfill even those self imposed vows, not to speak of showing any negligence in carrying out the duties which Allah has actually enjoined on them
ودانية عليهم ظلالها وذللت قطوفها تذليلا
8 About the question whether the heirs are under obligation to fulfill a vow made by the deceased person or not, the juristic opinion is divided