جل كونتراكتبس. The prophylactic use of a topical scar gel containing extract of Allium cepae, allantoin, and heparin improves symptoms and appearance of cesarean

The results that can be achieved are well worth the patience the treatment requires: a nearly invisible scar Objective: To investigate the efficacy of the topical scar gel, Contractubex, in the early treatment of C-section scars
Significant improvements were also seen for POSAS Patient Scale sub-items in the treatment group compared with the control group for scar color 13 Conclusion: Contractubex represents an efficacious and well-tolerated preventative treatment that rapidly and significantly improves the color, stiffness and irregularity of C-section scars

The prophylactic use of a topical scar gel containing extract of Allium cepae, allantoin, and heparin improves symptoms and appearance of cesarean

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The prophylactic use of a topical scar gel containing extract of Allium cepae, allantoin, and heparin improves symptoms and appearance of cesarean
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Efficacy was evaluated at 6 and 12 weeks after a baseline visit using the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale POSAS , a validated scar assessment tool comprised of a Patient Scale and an Observer Scale 0140 after 6 weeks of treatment
Results: Analysis revealed a significant change in the POSAS Patient Scale total score, with a 14 Die Salbe riecht so stark nach Parfum, dass sie schlicht und einfach nicht zu gebrauchen ist

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The prophylactic use of a topical scar gel containing extract of Allium cepae, allantoin, and heparin improves symptoms and appearance of cesarean
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Version December 2014 Last revision of the text: August 2016