الحركة تغير في موقع الجسم بمرور الزمن. الأرض

Purves, William Kirkwood; Sadava, David; Orians, Gordon H Cambridge, England, UK: Cambridge University Press
Late Proterozoic low-latitude global glaciation: the Snowball Earth "Clergy views on evolution, creationism, science, and religion"


International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service IERS.

ديناميكا حرارية
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences
ديناميكا حرارية
"On the Generality of the Latitudinal Gradient"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
"Chimborazo and the old kilogram" "Continental crustal growth and the supercontinental cycle: evidence from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt"
Life, the Science of Biology: The Science of Biology Rogers, John James William 2004


International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service IERS.

"Uprooting the tree of life"
ديناميكا حرارية
The Age of the Earth
ديناميكا حرارية
"Heterogeneous Hadean hafnium: evidence of continental crust at 4