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These factors are called variables Some observations might force scientists to think of new explanations
He is adding the gases to separate test tubes to see if the pH of the cabbage juice in the test tubes changes The variable that is being measured is called the dependent variable

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Which is the independent variable in an experiment investigating the effect of weight on the speed of vehicles? A large amount of evidence supports It.

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An observation is using you senses and An inference is a conclusion formed from available
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Science can answer a question only with the information available at the time
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Is this a scientific theory or a scientific law? All objects exert gravitational force
An inference is a conclusion formed from available information or evidence You might infer, based on the information you gather, that days are shorter in winter because of the tilt of Earth's axis
However, theories may change as new information becomes available Explain the difference between an observation and an inference

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Clue: Look at the boxes Explanation Still possible Explanation Modified Explanation discarded New possible explanation Modifying Explanations Controlled Experiment This student is adding different types of gas to each of the experimental test tubes.

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Theories ore not guesses or someone's opinions, nor are theories vague ideas
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Variables A controlled experiment allows scientists to determine a cause-and- effect relationship among the factors that are changed in the experiment
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With new knowledge, they might realize that some of the old explanations no longer fit the new information