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"The COBE Mission: Its Design and Performance Two Years after the launch" Universe 101: Big Bang Theory
IUTAM Turbulent Mixing and Combustion "Expanding Confusion: Common Misconceptions of Cosmological Horizons and the Superluminal Expansion of the Universe"• Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press


The First Three Minutes: A Modern View Of The Origin Of The Universe.

"Cosmological Constraints from the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey"
There are also other cosmological models of the universe besides the Big bang model, including eternal universe theories — views more in keeping with Hindu cosmologies than with traditional theistic concepts of the cosmos
Kolb and Turner 1988 , chapter 7• However, in the Hindu cosmology which we find in the Puranas and other non-Vedic Sanskrit texts, time has no absolute beginning; it is infinite and cyclic and so is kama
Conservative Protestant circles have also welcomed Big Bang cosmology as supporting a historical interpretation of the doctrine of creation It will be clear that this type of argument relates directly to modern cosmological research, particularly the "big bang" theory of the origins of the cosmos
"Wave Function of the Universe" Annals of the Scientific Society of Brussels


"Reflections on early work on 'big bang' cosmology".

"Eternally Existing Self-Reproducing Chaotic Inflationary Universe"
"The microwave background temperature at the redshift of 2
et al BICEP2 Collaboration 19 June 2014
New York Academy of Sciences
General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey The Monadology: An Edition for Students


General Relativity: an Einstein centenary survey.

In February 1989, for example, the front-page article of the New York Times Book Review argued that scientists argued that scientists and novelists were returning to God, in large part through the influence of the Big Bang
Frequently Asked Questions in Cosmology
New York, NY: Thunder's Mouth Press