رعاية المسنين في الإسلام. رعاية المسنِّين في الإسلام

Kijong Kim; Rania Antonopoulos 2011 "Transnational mobilities for care: Rethinking the dynamics of care in Asia"
"Three Big Risks For Older Adults: Walking, Climbing Stairs and Rising from a Chair - Evidence-based Rehabilitative Care for Older Adults

رعاية المسنين في الشريعة الإسلامية: فوائد وأحكام

"Hyponatremia associated with large-bone fracture in elderly patients".

بحث عن رعاية المسنين
and Derr, Paul December 2008 "What to Do When You Suspect Elder Abuse," Caring
بحث عن المسنين Pdf
Department of Health and Ageing
رعاية المسنِّين في الإسلام
com, Senior Care and Elder Care• New Delhi: Oxford University Press
"Promoting independence: But promoting what and how? "Etiology of dependence in older nursing home residents during morning care: The role of staff behavior" Sandhu, HS; Gilles, E; Devita, MV; Panagopoulos, G; Michelis, MF 2009
"Tips for Choosing a Health Care Facility" Donald R Hoover; Stephen Crystal; Rizie Kumar; Usha Sambamoorthi; Joel C Cantor December 1, 2002

كاتب مسألة رعاية المسنين في الإسلام هو

Department of Health and Ageing.

رعاية المسنين في الإسلام
[] [ permanent dead link] Piedmont Triad Council of Governments []• Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
كتاب رعاية المسنين في الإسلام تأليف مجموعة باحثين
"Faced with Caregiving, Even the Experts Struggle"
رعاية المسنين
; Gao, Yuan; Luo, Jing 10 July 2013