مرض المنجليه. أمراض الدم

Investigators of the Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Anemia" Pawliuk R, Westerman KA, Fabry ME, Payen E, Tighe R, Bouhassira EE, Acharya SA, Ellis J, London IM, Eaves CJ, Humphries RK, Beuzard Y, Nagel RL, Leboulch P 2001
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Oniyangi O, Omari AA 2006

اسباب و اعراض انيميا فقر الدم المنجلي

Pass KA, Lane PA, Fernhoff PM, Hinton CF, Panny SR, Parks JS, Pelias MZ, Rhead WJ, Ross SI, Wethers DL, Elsas LJ 2000.

ما مدى خطورة فقر الدم المنجلي ؟
Slavov SN, Kashima S, Pinto AC, Covas DT August 2011
فقر الدم المنجلي
"Correction of Sickle Cell Disease in Transgenic Mouse Models by Gene Therapy"
الحقائق العلمية وراء داء فقر الدم المنجلي
Facts On File History Database
Khatib R, Rabah R, Sarnaik SA January 2009 "US newborn screening system guidelines II: follow-up of children, diagnosis, management, and evaluation"
Jadavji T, Prober CG April 1985 In addition blood donors from those in high risk groups are also screened to confirm whether they are carriers and whether their blood filters properly

ما هو فقر الدم المنجلي

Kumar, Vinay; Abbas, Abul K.

ماهو مرض أنيميا الخلايا المنجلية وما أعراضه
J Bone Joint Surg Am
فقر الدم المنجلي .. أعراضه وأسبابه وكيفية علاجه
Steinberg MH, Barton F, Castro O, Pegelow CH, Ballas SK, Kutlar A, Orringer E, Bellevue R, Olivieri N, Eckman J, Varma M, Ramirez G, Adler B, Smith W, Carlos T, Ataga K, DeCastro L, Bigelow C, Saunthararajah Y, Telfer M, Vichinsky E, Claster S, Shurin S, Bridges K, Waclawiw M, Bonds D, Terrin M April 2003
فقر الدم المنجلي: الأعراض، الأسباب والعلاج
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute