Cbe hvc. בנק יהב סניף 118 כפר סבא

} » רוצה מידע נוסף על פלקס? Commission is nice if you reach your goal People you talk to on the phone fail to realize that you're human too and can be so rude
I would suggest this as a great place to start your career! The pay for what you do isn't really worth it sometimes I was supposed to be in the dept of education, but with COVID19 shutting it down, I was routed to debt collet

Working at CBE Group: 96 Reviews

I took a job at CBE because it promised to be a great place to work with advancement opportunities.

בנק יהב
A typical day had new rules to learn or a change of rules and maybe even twice a day changing of the same rule
בנק יהב
The people that worked there it was like working with family
מספרי הבנקים בישראל
במשך עשרות שנים הבנק זוהה עם אוכלוסיית עובדי המדינה, ופתיחת חשבון בבנק זה ניתנה עבור מי שהוגדר "עובד מדינה" או "עובד במוסדות הנתמכים על ידי המדינה"
Not a career type of job more of a temp job Most jobs do not allow nepotism, CBE thrives on it
Just a poorly organized company Also,it important to keep track of your numbers and accounts because you can lose your job by not meeting goals

Working at CBE Group in Cedar Falls, IA: Employee Reviews

Not a bad job to have, the people that work there are super nice.

בנק יהב
The hardest part was the phone call themselves you got some really good phone calls but others you got really nasty people
בנק יהב סניף 118 כפר סבא
הבנק רשאי לשנות את התנאים בכל עת
מספרי הבנקים בישראל
You do not get trained, you get textbook information in 4 weeks
You don't have up to date information and you are expected to assist an upset customer with instant messaging for help I did enjoy my job but I also did it the way it should be done and thats not thier policy even though I was top 5 for collection
Management is young, they do as they are told, since they have no real experience they are afraid of standing up for what is right I needed flexibility for day shift but company only offered flexibility for students going to college

בנק יהב סניף 118 כפר סבא

I love the management staff, and the hands on development they do to train you for the next advancement position.

מספרי הבנקים בישראל
פרטים אודות בנק יהב סניף 118 כפר סבא הנמצא בכתובת ויצמן 50, כפר סבא בנק יהב נוסד בשנת 1954 ע"י מדינת ישראל והסתדרות עובדי המדינה
Working at CBE Group in Cedar Falls, IA: Employee Reviews
I feel like CBE cares about the people more than other employers I've been employed with
בנק יהב
Once on a team, my supervisor gave confussing feedback in an attempt to help me improve negotiations on calls