ابو علي بدايه. مُضيّ عامين على بداية مشروع توربو بيرد Turbo Bird

Jikalau kita tidak dapat memamahi permulaan hidayah bagaimana kita akan sampai pada pengakhirannya It's really helpful as sometimes we become creatures of habit and we don't even realise we're doing such things like listening or talking about the faults of others, it is a reminder that your tongue "is the greatest means of your destruction in this world and the next"
as well as the heart envy, arrogance, ostentation etc Reading this book was a truly humbling experience, I believe anyone, even the most arrogant, should they read it with an open heart would be inclined to accept Imam Ghazali's advice


Reading this book was a truly humbling experience, I believe anyone, even the most arrogan I was blessed a few weeks back to receive this book through the post from an unknown sender, may Allah shower them with his blessings in this world and the hereafter, this book has made it to my favourites — if not my favourite.

He makes you question and keep in check your intentions, whether that relates to seeking knowledge, performing your prayers or making friends
سعيد السبع
The second part contains advice on how to refrain from committing sins with the limbs eyes, ears, tongue, stomach etc
حسن أبو الروس يحتفل بزواجه على طريقة ستورمي
"Tetapi jika engkau biarkan dirimu dengan tidak teratur atau kosong daripada sebarang pekerjaan yang berfaedah seperti halnya binatang dan engkau tidak tahu apakah yang mesti dibuat pada setiap waktu, nescaya engkau akan menyesal dan waktumu akan berlalu dengan sia-sia, sedangkan waktumu itu adalah umurmu
It would be an injustice to not mention the publisher nor translator, they did a brilliant job masha'Allah The translation was well-written, and the notes back of the book were simple and digestible but clarified the differences between the Shafi' and Hanafi methodologies Imam Ghazali followed Shafi' fiqh
After all, the fruit of knowledge is acting upon it


It also includes the original Arabic parallel to the English which is translated by Mashhad al-Allaf.

بداية الهداية by أبو حامد الغزالي
Imam Ghazali menyebut bahawa hidayah itu ada permulaan dan ada pengakhirannya
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Bahagian kedua, beliau menukilkan tentang menghindari segala maksiat bermu Jalan Menuju Petunjuk merupakan terjemahan daripada kitab Bidayah Al-Hidayah karangan Imam Al-Ghazali
Buku ini menceritakan adab-adab dan amalan ibadat sepanjang hari seorang muslim dari bangun tidur hinggalah hendak tidur kembali