يانسون. يانسون translation in English

Longman Pronunciation Dictionary 3rd ed The Natural History of Pliny
An overview on spices similar to anise is given under The Chinese names of star anise, Cantonese bat gok and Mandarin ba jiao [ 八角] both mean eight corners, octagon and allude to the eight-pointed shape of star anise fruits eight corner spice

فوائد الشمر واليانسون

index by country of origin• Star anise is also employed by the Arabic-influenced cooking of Malaysia and Southern Thailand; see for an example.

فوائد الشمر واليانسون
The plant is not known in the wild state
فوائد اليانسون المختلفة لصحتك
1999 Therapy with medicinal plants in Turkey, Past and Present
In folk medicine, its seeds have been used as an stimulant, , or
, in Medan in the North-East of Sumatra Like , but stronger: Warm, sweet, aromatic
Since the mixture is very aromatic, it should be used with care Other uses [ ] Builders of in Britain incorporated capsules of aniseed oil into , so the distinctive smell would give warning in case of overheating

Spice Pages: Star Anise (Illicium verum)

Chinese cookery is a quite complex matter and one of the oldest cooking traditions of the world.

فوائد اليانسون المختلفة لصحتك
The Northern Beijing [ 北京] style, where rice gives way to wheat as the staple food, often prefers dry dishes which are not cooked in sauce; Beijing duck beijing kao ya [ 北京烤鸭] is a prime example
فوائد شرب اليانسون
Besides the regular eight-pointed shape, one rarely finds single specimen with a larger number of carpels
فوائد اليانسون المختلفة لصحتك
[ ] The culinary uses of anise are not limited only to sweets and confections, as it is a key ingredient in and , which is similar to
[ ] In and , it is taken as a after meals, used in in the Italian region of , and as a flavoring agent in , and other Italian processed meat products Ivan Kosalec, Stjepan Pepeljnjak, and Danica Kustrak 12-2005 , , Acta Pharmaceutica, Issue 4, Folder 55, Page 377-385
Star anise is considerably less expensive to produce, and has gradually displaced P They are harvested before ripeness and dried to a rusty brown color


The word is used for both the species of herb and its -like flavor.

فوائد الشمر واليانسون
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
7 من أهم فوائد اليانسون المغلي
Maryam Mosaffa-Jahromi, Kamran Lankarani, Mehdi Pasalar, and others 24-12-2016 , , Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Folder 194, Page 937-946
Common to all regional styles is the aim to create a harmonic balance between what is called the basic taste impressions wei [ 味] : sweet tian [ 甜] or gan [ 甘] , sour suan [ 酸] , salty xian [ 鹹] and pungent la [ 辣] ; of lesser importance is the bitter flavour ku [ 苦] , which is considered related to the numbing flavour of ma [ 麻]