Note that the denominator of a fraction cannot be 0, as it would make the fraction undefined | בחיפוש פסקי דין של עבודה לדוגמה, מיותר לחפשם גם בביהמ"ש המנהלי במידה האפשר, בחרו רק בערכאות הרלוונטיות; - לחסוך בשדות לצורך הקטנה טעויות |
Fractions can undergo many different operations, some of which are mentioned below | Refer to the equations below for clarification |
Converting between fractions and decimals: Converting from decimals to fractions is straightforward.
30יתרונות: - ניתן לדוגמה לקבל מסמכים שאזכרו את סעיף 3 לחוק מסוים בעת שבפסה"ד נכתב סעיפים 4-2 לחוק | Multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8 10, 12 Multiples of 4: 4, 8, 12 Multiples of 6: 6, 12 The first multiple they all share is 12, so this is the least common multiple |
Addition: Unlike adding and subtracting integers such as 2 and 8, fractions require a common denominator to undergo these operations | Knowing that the first decimal place represents 10 -1, 5 10 can be converted to 0 |
In both cases, fractions are presented in their lowest forms by dividing both numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.