Aramex contact number. Aramex South Africa Customer Service Phone Number +2 751 411 4999, Email, Address

I can kindly have my package send back to me since you guys have cause me such a disappointment They look legit that u can see they have this tracking codeā€¦
Today it is widely known for its quality and offerings this does not help me as i have been waiting since thursday parcel was sent on tuesday you promised to deliver at my house it was not done

Aramex Uganda Limited (Kampala, Uganda)


intercom Impossible to speak to a human being about where my parcel could have got to
Aramex South Africa Customer Support Number
Below was the item I received from the biker that day thank God a made from it My package has been sitting in their facility for the past few days
za and enter your waybill number in the tracking field provided on the home page
I was at home all day waiting for my parcel, cancelled all appointments to avoid excuses yet parcel was not delivered If you do not have internet access, you can call any of the Aramex stations nationally to track your shipment

Aramex Uganda Limited (Kampala, Uganda)

Please kindly give me a contact to track my parcel as the parcel is very important.

Aramex Uganda Limited (Kampala, Uganda)
So please people I am begging you please DO NOT USE Postnet or Amerex Kimberley
Aramex International Ghana (Accra, Ghana)
This service is reserved for Domestic delivery only