عاصمة كولومبيا. كولومبيا

Steve Slater 27 April 2010
The assassination marked the start of a decade of bloodshed, called La Violencia the violence , which took the lives of an estimated 180,000 Colombians before it subsided in 1958 Gym facilities and 3 hot tubs are available and private parking is free


Retrieved on 8 October 2012.

أفضل الأماكن السياحية لزيارتها في بوغوتا
Colombian Constitution of 1991 Title XI — Concerning the territorial organization — Chapter 3 — Concerning the municipal regime — Article 318• Retrieved on 8 October 2012
Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2005
International Affairs Service in cooperation with Servizio Telematico Pubblico Retrieved on 14 May 2012
, USA 2009 [ ]• The property can also help organize tours and extreme sports Colombian Constitution of 1991 Title XI — Concerning the territorial organization — Chapter 3 — Concerning the municipal regime — Article 318• Retrieved on 14 May 2012

أهم معالم مدينة بوغوتا السياحية في كولومبيا

Retrieved on 14 May 2012.

يان إيغلاند يزرو كولومبيا للإطلاع على الأوضاع الإنسانية
Retrieved on 14 May 2012
بوغوتا عاصمة كولومبيا
Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2005