بنك قطر الرياض. بنك قطر الوطني وظائف في قطر عدة تخصصات

The maximum amount that could transferred to this account is QR 50,000 Fifty thousand Qatari Riyals or the equivalent in other currencies• The student must adhere to the regulations and the specific procedures prescribed by the curriculum of the university and the Bank as mentioned in the scholarship contract Health insurance In case of acceptance for a scholarship, the applicant will be subject to the following initial conditions details and conditions will be added in the final contract :
A copy of a valid passport• A copy of the job offer• A student should abide by the specified time limit for graduation and must excel in the approved major The applicant must be a Qatari citizen

وظائف بنوك في الرياض

The documents that must be provided with this electronic form are:• The student must be committed to studying and to the working hours as per the scholarship contract and the regulations of the university and the Bank while maintaining the appropriate performance required of the student in the scholarship contract.

بنك قطر الوطني يعلن عن وظائف شاغرة لحملة البكالوريوس فما فوق بمختلف المناطق
The student must work for the bank for one years for every year of study immediately after graduation
بنك الرياض
A student may not change specialization without prior permission from the Bank Coordinator of Student Affairs Department, QNB Human Resources dept
بنك الرياض
The Bank is not responsible for any leakage of information belonging to the customer due to the hacking of his computer while communicating with the Bank
The field of study should be according to the needs of the Bank and the approval granted
No absence is permitted during studies or exams except with an official leave of absence that is accepted by the University citing legitimate reasons The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject the opening of the account without any reasons

الخدمات المصرفية للأفراد


بنك قطر الأول QFB وظائف قطر للمواطنين والاجانب
بنك قطر الوطني وظائف في قطر عدة تخصصات
وظائف إدارية في بنك قطر الوطني