طيور الجنة. هالصيصان شو حلوين

; Tremblay, Y; Weimerskirch, H; Scott, D; Thompson, DR; Sagar, PM; Moller, H; Taylor, GA; Foley, DG; et al ; Pruett-Jones 1 May 1990
Biological exuberance: Animal homosexuality and natural diversity Glorified Dinosaurs: The Origin and Early Evolution of Birds

طيور الجنة (قناة)

"Partial migration in Australian landbirds: a review".

هالصيصان شو حلوين
"Feathered dinosaurs, flying dinosaurs, crown dinosaurs, and the name Aves
هالصيصان شو حلوين
"Torpor in an African caprimulgid, the freckled nightjar Caprimulgus tristigma"
هالصيصان شو حلوين
"Environmental conditions affect the magnitude of inbreeding depression in survival of Darwin's finches"
Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U "Correlates of extinction risk and hunting pressure in gamebirds Galliformes "
Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott and David Christie eds ; Buckley 1 January 1968


Species Taxa of North American Birds: A Contribution to Comparative Systematics.

; Greene, E; Davis, K 2005
طيور الجنة (قناة)
de Beer SJ, Lockwood GM, Raijmakers JHFS, Raijmakers JMH, Scott WA, Oschadleus HD, Underhill LG 2001
تردد قناة طيور الجنة على النايل سات 2021
" Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, :
"Bird Mortality after Spraying for Dutch Elm Disease with DDT" "Energy Conservation and the Evolution of Flightlessness in Birds"
Cambridge University Press, 1994, p "Sexual Selection Through Female Choice in Lawes' Parotia, A Lek-Mating Bird of Paradise"

تردد قناة طيور الجنة على النايل سات 2021

"Do partial and regular migrants differ in their responses to weather? Keller LF, Grant PR, Grant BR, Petren K 2002.

طيور الجنة (قناة)
"The Bird Cult of Easter Island"
أناشيد طيور الجنة
One hundred species are described in detail
تردد قناة طيور الجنة على النايل سات 2021
Phylogeny and classification of birds