Jarir bookstore مكتبة جرير جدة. jarir bookstore ramadan timing مكتبة جرير

Same think with the airpods The Filipino guy stationed during my visit even suggested the best-seller author for Digital Photography which is Tom Ang as I have come across huge piles of options
Coupon Added: 3 years ago• The sales clerks here are knowledgeable of the authors and themes you are looking for and can readily locate the items for you There policy is if we have accessories, we should give them otherwise it is not mandatory

Jarir Bookstore مكتبة جرير, Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz St, هاتف +966 9200 00089

Coupon Added: 1 year ago• Coupon Added: 1 year ago• Indeed I would not recommend this place.

قسيمة خصم مكتبة جرير جدة 15% لفترة محدودة
Coupon Added: 1 year ago• Jarir staff is very arrogant when if you go and seek after sales service
Jarir Bookstore مكتبة جرير, 4341 طريق الملك عبدالعزيز، Al Basatin District, 6657, جدة 23719 4341, Phone +966 9200 00089
There was a chance where my new iPhone fell and cracked the front screen
قسيمة خصم مكتبة جرير جدة 15% لفترة محدودة
And very sweet if you are here to purchase! Retrack them and till them we are done is a huge waste of time and hassle
com Categories , , , , Rating 2
waited for almost an hour for nothing is there nationality prioritization? Book searching was very slow and not at all helpful for self search Haddad and Axiom are the best

Jarir Bookstore مكتبة جرير, Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz St, هاتف +966 9200 00089

I loved the ambiance of this bookstore that I get to sit on the aisle and just speed-read some books.

Jarir Bookstore مكتبة جرير, Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz St, هاتف +966 9200 00089
Coupon Added: 3 years ago• Overall, Jarir bookstore has been my go-to hang out place if I just want to kill time and learn while doing so
jarir bookstore ramadan timing مكتبة جرير
Then we wanted to get usb after choosing the usb the guy who was helping us told us we cant hold it instead we had to call him after we were done from the rest of the shopping
jarir bookstore ramadan timing مكتبة جرير
If youre not arab you will wait longer? Infact the whole system is very primative and slows the purchasing