The big short. The Big Short (2015)

I think that they do their best to explain it, but I don't think that they quite pulled it off Michael Burry as an acknowledged authority on value investing
Rescinded regulations freed up banks and other institutions to borrow heavily to invest in these securities, which they then repackaged and sold to other investors For example, has become "Mark Baum" and has become "Jared Vennet"

The Big Short Explained

They argued that after this period expired there would be a high probability that the owner would default and, crucially, that this would happen to the vast majority of loans within any given CDO, because they would all be unable to pay for the same social reasons.

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Not only were these bundles of inaccurately highly rated sub-prime mortgages sold to private individuals, they were also sold to banks that then looked to be more wealthy, financially solid, than they actually were
'Big Short' investor Michael Burry warns the 'mother of all crashes' is coming
The answer is "not very easily," but the film makers of the The Big Short have done so resoundingly well
The Big Short Explained
But Charlie Ledley and Jamie Mai were still small potatoes by Wall Street standards
The Big Short's Stylistic Choices Financial terminology and the chronology of the financial crisis are highly difficult for a lay audience to comprehend in a two-hour movie Casual investors buying meme stocks and cryptocurrencies are signing up for devastating losses, Michael Burry warned on Thursday
He's previously used the social-media platform to about Tesla - - as well as GameStop, bitcoin, dogecoin, Robinhood, inflation, and the wider stock market This is a socially important movie if you want to keep informed about what's really going on around you

The Big Short's Real People: Meet the Millionaire Traders

However my problem, my absolute colossal issue, is that you rarely witness the horror in The Big Short.

27 The Big Short: Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Adam McKay: Movies & TV
Wer sich für die Finanzkrise interessiert, seien Filme wie "Let's make Money", "Goldman Sachs", "Master of the Universe", "Inside Job" und diverse Reportagen in der ZDF- und ARD-Mediathek sehr empfohlen
'Big Short' investor Michael Burry warns the 'mother of all crashes' is coming
But the end, when it came, was very rapid, just as the outsiders had predicted
Watch The Big Short
So, while the film does make you laugh, it also does show you the very real consequences of what happened, in spite of the fact that a lot of the characters in the movie cashed in on the collapse themselves