جمادى الثاني اي شهر. دليل المناسبات

Using a pair of binoculars 7X50 , I started scanning the horizon Moon crescent was seen by naked eye by Reza Janghorbani and Roya Ghermezi at 17:19 , for the first time
Focal length is 350mm" 1 Other group members observed crescent by naked eye subsequently

المستحبّات في الزواج

The western horizon was mostly clear.

بوابة:تقويم/شهر هجري
Atmospheric condition: Hazy and partly cloudy Horizon obstacles: about 2
جمادي الثاني يوافق شهر كم في التقويم الهجري
The horns were approximately at 2:00 and 7:00 O'clock 2:00;4:30;7:00
جمادى الثاني اي شهر
Both Jupiter and Mercury were first sighted with binoculars and then by naked eye
Immediately after, I could see the crescent with naked eye Atmospheric condition: Hazy and partly cloudy Horizon obstacles: about 2
I did not see Saturn, even with the binoculars

التقويم الهجري لشهر جمادى الآخرة سنة 1442 هجري

At 5:55 pm, both Mercury and Jupiter were visible by naked eye.

التقويم الهجري لشهر جمادى الآخرة سنة 1442 هجري
Prior to moonset, I left my last sighting location at 6:21 pm moonset: 7:06 pm
التقويم الهجري لشهر جمادى الأولى سنة 1443 هجري
Focal length is 350mm" 1
التقويم الهجري لشهر جمادى الآخرة سنة 1442 هجري
The sky was totally cloudy
I continued the effort till moonset moonset: 5:59 pm Atmospheric condition: Hazy Horizon obstacles: about 2
My first binocular sighting was at 5:24 pm Around 5:30 pm, I left the area for another place to take pictures of the crescent

جمادى الثاني اي شهر

My first binocular sighting was at 5:24 pm.

جمادى الثاني اي شهر
Other group members observed crescent by binoculars subsequently
جمادى الثاني اي شهر
Prior to moonset, I left my last sighting location at 6:21 pm moonset: 7:06 pm
التقويم الهجري شهر جماد ثاني سنة 1442
I continued the effort till moonset moonset: 5:59 pm