شعار معهد الادارة. International Water Management Institute (IWMI) : A water

IWMI takes an action research approach, working with national and international research institutions, governments, extension agents and public and private organizations to co-develop the scaling ecosystem and strengthen capacity to drive scaling networks and collective action This focus area contributes to the following One CGIAR impact areas: Gender and social inclusion The barriers facing women and men in accessing irrigation technologies are not the same
In doing so, they increase their own risk This focus area contributes to the following One CGIAR impact areas: Human capacity development and knowledge exchange Scaling farmer-led irrigation requires strengthening human capacity and knowledge exchange among all actors and stakeholders involved


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Management & Leadership Development and Training
The Chartered Management Institute CMI is the Chartered Body for Management and Leadership
Institute of Public Administration
IWMI uses a systemic approach to understand the farming system as well as the factors in the enabling environment that prevent women, men and youth from engaging in and benefitting equitably from farmer-led irrigation
Management & Leadership Development and Training
; enabling women and resource-poor farmers to participate in input and output markets is equally important to ensure that investments in irrigation result in improved nutrition and economic empowerment
This means diverse actors feed off, adapt to, support, cooperate, compete and interact with each other, forming different multi-actor networks and engaging in collective action to undertake various functions in the scaling ecosystem
These are complemented by multi-criteria analysis to evaluate the potential of irrigation expansion, taking into consideration environmental flows IWMI carries out in policy, financing, livelihood assets and access, institutional approaches and interventions as well as gender-based technology preferences

قسم تقنيات الادارة القانونية

For over 70 years, we have worked with business and education to inspire people to become skilled, confident and successful managers and leaders.

معهد الادارة الرصافة الموقع الرسمي
It requires access to financing, labor, energy, and input and output markets, so that investments in irrigation translate into sustainable returns
International Water Management Institute (IWMI) : A water
These all serve to stimulate local and contextually relevant innovation, close the research-private sector divide and enhance job readiness among young professionals
معهد الادارة الرصافة الموقع الرسمي
We offer a variety of flexible membership solutions, tailored to your needs
This focus area contributes to the following One CGIAR impact areas: Adaptive scaling and partnerships The ability of farmers to engage in or expand irrigation depends on the prevailing socioeconomic, ecological and political contexts, which are often complex, non-linear and changeable IWMI works with farmers and public and private sector partners to co-design and pilot , influence policies and accelerate the transition to scale of innovations with demonstrated early impact
Greater water scarcity could jeopardize irrigation and agricultural markets while excessive water use can lead to declining ecosystems, water quality and soil health This focus area contributes to the following One CGIAR impact areas: Financing ecosystem A lack of affordable credit, particularly for women and resource-poor farmers, is one of the main barriers to expanding farmer-led irrigation in low- and middle-income countries

معهد الادارة الرصافة الموقع الرسمي

This focus area contributes to the following One CGIAR impact areas:.

Institute of Public Administration
With our private sector partners, we are leveraging converging technologies, such as sensors on solar pumps that capture usage data, to encourage better resource management and governance
قسم تقنيات الادارة القانونية
Other modalities for capacity development include hackathons,
قسم تقنيات الادارة القانونية
In several countries, irrigation equipment suppliers are stepping in to provide financing directly to farmers