استمر نوح يدعو قومه. د. رشيد الجراح: كم لبث نوح في قومه؟

Wherever one may look one will see extraordinary manifestations of His power There, on the one hand, it has been said to the believers, "We have put to the test all those believers who have passed before you", and, on the other, the wicked disbelievers have been warned to the effect: "You should not have the misunderstanding that you will outstrip Us and escape Our grasp
" It is to impress these two things that these historical events are being related here Somali - Abduh : dhab ahaan baan ugu dirray Nabi Nuux Qoomkiisii wuxuuna ku dhexnagaaday Kun sano oo kontan la'waxaana wabtay dhuufaankii Halaagii Biyaha iyagoo daalimiin ah• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nuh kepada kaumnya maka ia tinggal di antara mereka seribu tahun kurang lima puluh tahun Maka mereka ditimpa banjir besar dan mereka adalah orangorang yang zalim• Somali - Abduh : dhab ahaan baan ugu dirray Nabi Nuux Qoomkiisii wuxuuna ku dhexnagaaday Kun sano oo kontan la'waxaana wabtay dhuufaankii Halaagii Biyaha iyagoo daalimiin ah• Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na hakika tulimtuma Nuhu kwa watu wake na akakaa nao miaka elfu kasoro miaka khamsini Basi tufani liliwachukua nao ni madhaalimu• " The Qur'an and the Bible differ about the age of the Prophet Noah

الفهم الخاطئ لدعاء نوح ـ عليه السلام ـ على قومه بالهلاك

The occurrence of certain events and things in a usual form and manner is no proof that the event or thing cannot happen in an unusual and extraordinary way.

د. رشيد الجراح: كم لبث نوح في قومه؟
To break these assumptions there exists a long list of unusual events and things that have taken place in every kind of creation in every part of the universe
كم عام دعا نوح قومه
Maka mereka ditimpa banjir besar yaitu, air bah yang sangat tinggi sehingga tenggelamlah mereka semuanya dan mereka adalah orang-orang yang zalim maksudnya adalah orang-orang yang menyekutukan Allah
كم سنة عاش نوح عليه السلام ؟
" It is to impress these two things that these historical events are being related here
9-15, AI-Haaqqah: 11-12, Nuh the whole of it The Bible says that he lived for 950 years
There, on the one hand, it has been said to the believers, "We have put to the test all those believers who have passed before you", and, on the other, the wicked disbelievers have been warned to the effect: "You should not have the misunderstanding that you will outstrip Us and escape Our grasp The believers are being told: "You have been suffering persecutions and experiencing stubbornness of your wicked opponents hardly for six years or so

الفهم الخاطئ لدعاء نوح ـ عليه السلام ـ على قومه بالهلاك

He was 600 years old when the Flood came, and lived for another 350 years after the Flood.

كم سنة عاش نوح عليه السلام ؟
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我确已派努哈去教化他的宗族,他在他们之间,逗留了九百五十年,洪水就袭击了他们,因为他们是不义的。 The occurrence of certain events and things in a usual form and manner is no proof that the event or thing cannot happen in an unusual and extraordinary way
الفهم الخاطئ لدعاء نوح ـ عليه السلام ـ على قومه بالهلاك
" The Qur'an and the Bible differ about the age of the Prophet Noah
ولقد أرسلنا نوحا إلى قومه فلبث فيهم ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاما فأخذهم الطوفان وهم ظالمون
The fact is that man of his own will and wish cannot live even for a moment, but if Allah wills, He can make him live for as long as He pleases
He was 600 years old when the Flood came, and lived for another 350 years after the Flood But according to the Qur'an, he must have lived for at least a thousand years, because 950 years is the time that he spent in preaching his mission after his appointment to Prophethood till the coming of the Flood
The same is the aim of the discourse here 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 我确已派努哈去教化他的宗族,他在他们之间,逗留了九百五十年,洪水就袭击了他们,因为他们是不义的。 Melayu - Basmeih : Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nabi Nuh kepada kaumnya maka tinggalah ia dalam kalangan mereka selama sembilan ratus lima puluh tahun; akhirnya mereka dibinasakan oleh taufan sedang mereka berkeadaan zalim dengan kufur derhaka• English - Sahih International : And We certainly sent Noah to his people and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers• In particular, the person who has a clear concept of God's being AII-Powerful, cannot be involved in the misunderstanding that it is not possible for God, Who is the Creator of life and death, to grant a life of a thousand years or so to any man

ولقد أرسلنا نوحا إلى قومه فلبث فيهم ألف سنة إلا خمسين عاما فأخذهم الطوفان وهم ظالمون

7: 6 and 9: 28-29.

د. رشيد الجراح: كم لبث نوح في قومه؟
The fact is that man of his own will and wish cannot live even for a moment, but if Allah wills, He can make him live for as long as He pleases
كم عام دعا نوح قومه
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus Nabi Nuh kepada kaumnya maka tinggalah ia dalam kalangan mereka selama sembilan ratus lima puluh tahun; akhirnya mereka dibinasakan oleh taufan sedang mereka berkeadaan zalim dengan kufur derhaka• English - Sahih International : And We certainly sent Noah to his people and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers• Just imagine the patience and resolution and firmness of Our servant who braved such afflictions and hardships continuously for nine and a half centuries
كم عام دعا نوح قومه