متحف اثراء. إثراء

com HAMIDECHE Mounira, hamideche1m gmail The study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the stages of the Sanabel Museum? The study followed the descriptive approach and used the indirect intentional observation and interview as a tool for the study
A museum in every house or lane or an institution for the display of folklore, and publishing on the Internet for the Palestinian folklore and its registration with UNESCO and the issuance of a documentary reference manual with heritage tools, especially those that are endangered and exposed to extinction


com kadaoua abdelkader, kadaoua gmail.

com PESCARU MARIA, mariapescaru yahoo
دور المتاحف الشعبية التراثية في إثراء المشهد الثقافي وحفظ وصيانة الموروث الشعبي في فلسطين
com Mkadmi Abderrazak, amkadmi gmail
com SAHBI Mohamed, mohamedsahbi74 yahoo
fr Soufiane Bouharrat, bouharratsoufiane gmail And the extent and role of those interested in heritage to preserve the identity of heritage tools from deformation, extinction and plagiarism by choosing the collection of al- Sanabel Museum in Seir-Hebron as a model
fr chacha fares, fareschacha yahoo com guechairi samira, samiraguechairi gmail


In light of the results, the study recommends: The work of a museum network that responds to the needs of the Palestinian community, documenting all aspects of material and moral life, issuing an illustrative guide to all private and public museums in Palestine, documenting individual heritage collections and works, establishing the folk museum for colloquial and non-physical arts.

com Oulem Khedidja, oulmk yahoo
The traditional folklore museums showed the artistic, practical and aesthetic values of the heritage tools and their uses and the identification of the user and the manufacturer, the possibility of manufacturing heritage tools and renewing them as their materials were abundant in the environment and the local hand-made method is environmentally friendly
com Bounaama Mohamed, mohamedbounaama gmail
The popular museums proved to be an important element in the popular resistance in responding to the attempts of the occupation to obliterate, steal and steal the heritage collections of the Palestinian people and their families ca Gherarmi Wahiba, wahibasaidi yahoo
What is the role of heritage museums in the promotion and maintenance of national identity? The symbols of the People's Museum and popular culture inspired by reality worked on forming the collective identity and embodying the national identity of the Palestinian people com Yahia Bakelli , ustezyahia gmail

دور المتاحف الشعبية التراثية في إثراء المشهد الثقافي وحفظ وصيانة الموروث الشعبي في فلسطين

The study found a number of results, the most important of them were: The popular museums contributed to the expressing the feelings, emotions and needs of the general public.

دور المتاحف الشعبية التراثية في إثراء المشهد الثقافي وحفظ وصيانة الموروث الشعبي في فلسطين