ماهو الجهاز الذي يوفر القوة اللازمة لتحريك الجسم. اي الاجهزه التاليه يوفر القوه اللازمه لتحريك الجسم

The Origins of the Telescope The Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University
Note: stories vary, including Zacharias Janssen had the help of his father Hans Martens or sometimes said to have been built entirely by his father Brown University Division of Biology and Medicine

اي الاجهزة التالية يوفر القوة اللازمة لتحريك الجسم

, Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza in Italian• Science and Civilization in China: Volume 2.

الجهاز الذي يوفر القوه اللازمه لتحريك الجسم
Chang, Kenneth 8 October 2014
اي الاجهزه الاتيه يوفر القوه اللازمه لتحريك الجسم
Riddell's Vibrio biceps: Two documents on American microscopy and cholera etiology 1849—59"
اي الاجهزه التاليه يوفر القوه اللازمه لتحريك الجسم
"Chapter 2: The Sharp-Eyed Lynx, Outfoxed by Nature"
Brian Shmaefsky, Biotechnology 101 - 2006, page 171• The Tin Toy Robot Collection of Matt Wyse, 1996• Ritter, Karl; Rising, Malin 8 October 2014 "Comparative study of three-dimensional localization accuracy in conventional, confocal laser scanning and axial tomographic fluorescence light microscopy"
William Rosenthal, Spectacles and Other Vision Aids: A History and Guide to Collecting, Norman Publishing, 1996, pp Appendix A, , 1906; page 716

اي الاجهزه التاليه يوفر القوه اللازمه لتحريك الجسم

"Scattering Lens Resolves Sub-100 nm Structures with Visible Light".

اي الاجهزة التالية يوفر القوة اللازمة لتحريك الجسم
Pinto, Jim October 1, 2003
اي الاجهزه الاتيه يوفر القوة اللازمه لتحريك الجسم
Mark Smith, From Sight to Light: The Passage from Ancient to Modern Optics, University of Chicago Press - 2014, page 387• Seeger, Men of Physics: Galileo Galilei, His Life and His Works, Elsevier - 2016, page 24• Van Helden, Albert; Dupre, Sven; Van Gent, Rob 2011
اي الاجهزة التالية يوفر القوة اللازمة لتحريك الجسم
; Ruggeri, Alessandro; Tosi, Alberto; Boyd, Robert W
Gustaf Ollsson, Reticles, , CRC, 2003; page 2409
; Tallarida, Nicholas; Apkarian, V Cremer, Christoph; Hausmann, Michael; Bradl, Joachim and Schneider, Bernhard "Wave field microscope with detection point spread function", , priority date 10 July 1997• William Rosenthal, Spectacles and Other Vision Aids: A History and Guide to Collecting, Norman Publishing, 1996, page 391• Huerta, Giants of Delft: Johannes Vermeer and the Natural Philosophers : the Parallel Search for Knowledge During the Age of Discovery, Bucknell University Press - 2003, page 126• Boorstin, The Discoverers, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group - 2011, page 327• "SPDM: light microscopy with single-molecule resolution at the nanoscale"

اي الاجهزه التاليه يوفر القوه اللازمه لتحريك الجسم

The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

اي الاجهزة التالية يوفر القوة اللازمة لتحريك الجسم
"Nanoscale chemical imaging using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy"
الجلد والعضلات
Cremer, Christoph; Hausmann, Michael; Bradl, Joachim and Rinke, Bernd "Method and devices for measuring distances between object structures", priority date 23 December 1996• Laterally modulated excitation microscopy: improvement of resolution by using a diffraction grating
Kumar, Naresh; Weckhuysen, Bert M