مياه وطنية. 91 منظمة وجمعية وطنية تطالب بإدخال تنقيحات على مشروع مجلة المياه

The Special Rapporteur on water and sanitation recommended that Uruguay adopt a comprehensive national plan that guarantees the right to water and sanitation by, inter alia: clearly designating the responsibilities of different actors; allocating sufficient resources; and ensuring meaningful participation of civil society in its design
These included: the establishment of a Reference Group of Ministers on Aboriginal Policy, increased funding for Aboriginal children, measures to improve infrastructure in First Nations and Inuit communities, support for economic development initiatives, a national action plan to ensure safe and clean drinking water, measures to increase educational opportunities and workforce participation for Aboriginal people, including the establishment of the National Working Group on Education composed of 13 Aboriginal educational experts, and the tabling of a important legislation relating to Aboriginal peoples The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs intervention is mainly targeted to fill these two strategic needs by providing technical support for the establishment of a National Authority for Water and Sanitation, and in preparing a water master plan for the Grand Sud as a step towards the preparation of a national water master plan The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs intervention is mainly targeted to fill these two strategic needs by providing technical support for the establishment of a National Authority for Water and Sanitation, and in preparing a water master plan for the Grand Sud as a step towards the preparation of a national water master plan


The national Government has also drawn up a national plan for the management for municipal runoff water, identifying the critical drainage basins that exhaust the capacity to assimilate the resource and compromise its quality for different uses, jeopardizing public health, agricultural output, industrial activities, including electricity generation, and broader economic and social development in general.

مياه وطني
مياه وطني



وزارة الموارد المائية.. خطة وطنية لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي واستخدامها في الزراعة
وزارة الموارد المائية.. خطة وطنية لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحي واستخدامها في الزراعة