الناس شركاء في ثلاث. العدالة: الناس شركاء فى ثلاث

Praise is to Allah SWT who has caused His religion to prevail and has made Abu Hurairah an Imam
The Jew gave him the option to take seventeen of his 'Ajwah dates a high quality of dates and he brought them to the Prophet of Allah ﷺ ' So the Ansari went to his dwelling, but he did not find anything in his dwelling, so he went out looking, and he found a Jew watering his date-palm trees

معنى حديث المسلمون شركاء في ثلاث في الماء والكلأ والنار

I am only a human being like you, and what I think may be right or wrong.

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معنى حديث المسلمون شركاء في ثلاث في الماء والكلأ والنار
He said: 'What are these people doing? And whoever gives a Muslim water to drink when water is available, it is as if he freed a slave; and whoever gives a Muslim water to drink when there is no water available, it is as if he brought him back to life
جامع أحاديث الشيعة
And whoever gives salt, it is as if he has given in charity all that the salt makes good
Ibn 'Umar went, and I went with him, until he met him in Balat, and asked him about that, and he told him that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ had forbidden leasing out land for cultivation The Ansari stipulated that he would not take any dates that were black rotten , hard and dried out or inferior, and he would only take good quality dates
So 'Abdullah stopped lessening out land ' He said: 'I do not think that this will do any good

أرشيف الإسلام

He earned nearly two Sa's of dates , and he brought it to the Prophet ﷺ.

The Chapters on Pawning
' News of that reached them, so they stopped doing it, and their yield declined
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So 'Abdullah stopped lessening out land