وئام وهاب. وئام وهاب

but also lost the elections Controversy [ ] During a television interview, Wahhab made disparaging comments about the which Saudi women wear
[ ] He heads the that he founded on 26 May 2006, and whose principles are based on cross-border: , sects, doctrines and narrow fanaticism, and his rejection of all forms of injustice, exploitation, feudalism, deprivation and sanctification of public freedoms and human rights [ ] He received 13,000 votes and defeated candidate by , with 7,391 votes against 7,266

وئام وهاب يؤكد صحة معلومات الإعلامي جان عزيز حول فضيحة بواخر البنزين وينتقد القضاء

Personal life [ ] Wahhab's daughter, , is a international.

وئام وهاب يؤكد صحة معلومات الإعلامي جان عزيز حول فضيحة بواخر البنزين وينتقد القضاء
Biography [ ] Born on 11 October 1964, Wahhab began his political career in the 1990s by fighting political feudalism in the region with a group of Illuminati and independents
Wiam Wahhab
[ ] A group of illuminates, educated and anti-feudalists turned around
وئام وهاب
The party was involved in various feuds and fights against the who support the of
Wahhab apologized to Saudi women for the niqab remarks He was also appointed in October 2004, and was known in his ministry for transparency and cleanliness and worked for a clean environment before the of and the resignation of the government
[ ] He ran for parliamentary elections in and won 12,000 votes but lost the elections Office of Foreign Assets Control

Wiam Wahhab

Wahhab was in the against the and alliances, and the slogan of his battle was the war on corruption, and the list that led by a number of independent candidates for March 8 and 14.

Wiam Wahhab
The US has placed financial sanctions on Wahhab
Wiam Wahhab
Wahhab commented on 's warnings to during the by claiming that Syria and were prepared to launch 100,000 rockets at Turkey if it tried to invade
[ ] He was the target of assassination attempts in the in 2006 and in the town of Kfar Him, in 2008 for rejecting the feudal reality in the Druze community

وئام وهاب يهاجم المساعدة القطرية للجيش اللبناني ويطالب برفضها


وئام وهاب يكشف أن حل الأزمة اللبنانية يكمن في السعودية ويقول إن الحريري لديه مشكلة معها
وئام وهاب يهاجم المساعدة القطرية للجيش اللبناني ويطالب برفضها
وئام وهاب