شركة بن زقر. شركة بن زقر للاطارات شارع الضباب حي العليا الرياض

Plan the orders to be shipped in the shift based on priority, volume, transport availability and other related factors to avoid any misinterpretation in the outbound activity Ensure Standard Outbound warehousing practices are followed in the warehouse as per the Standard Operating Procedures SOP
ONE OF THE REPUTED AND LONG ESTABLISHED COMPANIES IN KSA success Binzagr Company, one of the leading distributors in Saudi Arabia and the GCC recently completed the unique milestone of over 130 years of continual service to its customersThe distribution business forms the foundation of Binzagr Company, which can trace its history back to its start in 1881, trading on the ancient routes between Europe and The East Ensure the standard KPI requirements for inbound are met as per the SLA Service level agreements

Binzagr CO

Monitor the loading schedules to the branches and follow up on the respective trucks are dispatched on time.

شركة بن زقر كورو تعلن عن وظائف حراس أمن بشهادة الابتدائية براتب 4000 ريال
We endeavor to be one of the most competitive companies in the distribution industry with an emphasis on efficiency in operations and reliability for our customers
شركة بن زقر المحدودة تعلن عن توفر وظائف شاغرة لحملة الثانوية فما فوق بعدة مدن بالمملكة
Negligence is strictly not allowed
شركة بن زقر للاطارات شارع الضباب حي العليا الرياض
Monitor the inbound activities and provide guidance to the warehousemen to receive the shipments for temperature recording Cold , Damages, Shortages etc
It is your guide to our Commercial Services, B2B sales and Partnerships Ensure inventory and related cycle count activities are executed as per the requirements and monitor the inventory accuracy on daily basis
They serve as the ethical compass that prescribes how we must act in order to achieve our goal to significantly increase the success of our business, our employees and our Partners Our well-recognized market presence, with a strong portfolio of Principals and Customers, is what will take us into the future, we began as the dream of one humble man and have exceed, beyond his wildest dreams


Ensure the wheels are chocked before every transaction in the Dock door.

شركة بن زقر المحدودة تعلن عن وظائف شاغرة في جدة
Ensure proper Cleanliness inside the warehouse handling area
شركة بن زقر كورو تعلن عن وظائف حراس أمن بشهادة الابتدائية براتب 4000 ريال
is counted as one of the leading FMCG companies in the country and Gulf region
وظائف شركة بن زقر لحملة الثانوية في الخرج
Ensure the warehouse team records the inbound discrepancies and the same is communicated to the respective parties