خبز بطاطس. طريقة عمل خبز البطاطس

one thing to note, depending on how wet your potatoes are, you should adjust your flour accordingly Working in batches, cook potato bread in hot pan, turning once until golden brown, 4 to 5 minutes per side
even tho It's not traditional is to add a nice slice of Monterrey jack on top when it's nearly done one of my favorites alterteration

السعرات الحرارية في خبز البرجر بالبطاطس لوزين قطعة واحدة

It's wonderful to eat plain with a little butter or you can spread it with jam.

طريقة عمل خبز البطاطس للبرغر
Knead dough lightly and roll dough out to about 1cm thick
طريقة عمل خبز البطاطس للبرغر
طريقة عمل خبز البطاطس للبرغر
Mash potatoes with flour, butter and salt until a stiff dough forms
Heat a lightly greased flat griddle or heavy based frying pan over medium-high heat
I rolled some of the dough paper thin, like we do for lefse, and it was identical This recipe is a treat and because you don't roll it so thin, it's much easier to make

خبز بطاطس png

YUM - 11 Mar 2016 I made this recipe or one exactly like this just before Thanksgiving 2014.

خبز برجر بطاطس فونتي
Lefse adds a pinch of sugar, for browning, and some cream for a moister dough and also is cooked on a dry griddle
السعرات الحرارية في خبز البرجر بالبطاطس لوزين قطعة واحدة
Also it's easily tweaked to suit your family's taste
طريقة عمل خبز البطاطس للبرغر
Turn dough out onto a lightly floured work surface Cut into six triangular wedges
this is a great and easy recipe I made it because it is so similar to the Norwegian Lefse recipe there is one on this site that I make and I was curious

خبز البطاطا


السعرات الحرارية في خبز البرجر بالبطاطس لوزين قطعة واحدة
Tip If you are using leftover cold potatoes, melt butter before mixing it in
خبز برجر بطاطس فونتي
I make this exact recipe, altho I like abit of green onion and garlic sprinkled in mine
خبز بطاطس png
Try it, it's a wonderfully tender bread