Digital Millennium Copyright Act section 17 paragraph 512 c , those requested in section 9 1 shall be stated under penalty of perjury | com, which should facilitate the User to transfer electronic files from one format into another using file converter programs |
2 If desired that the complaint should be considered pursuant to the U | 2 The Customer is not allowed to convert files automatically using a scripting language |
2 Personal data collected during the registration and performances of the services are treated in strict confidence.
25The Provider will neither pass on this data nor the contents of private messages of the Customer to third parties without its consent | Please upgrade to continue processing this document |
2 Consumer means, in terms of these general terms and conditions, every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is outside its trade, business or profession |
The Customer will be immediately notified per email about this revocation of the right to access or rejection of the registration.