Kiamat itu tidak akan datang kepadamu melainkan dengan tiba-tiba" | The Prophet said: The Messenger of Allahメ |
Nor does any one know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: Nor does any one know in what land he is to die | Dia sendiri yang menurunkannya, dan mengetahui kapan turunnya |
You do not know where your present life will eventually cane to an end.
18" Here, another thing also should be understood well, and it is this: This verse dces not give a list of the unseen and hidden things, which are known to no one but Allah | With Him is knowledge of the Hourナ [31:34] |
you do not have the knowledge even about those things with which you are most closely and intimately concerned in life | Allah menjelaskan bahwasanya engkau tidaklah mengetahui apa yang akan dikerjakan oleh jiwa keesok harinya pada agama dan dunianya, tidak juga mengetahui akan tempat kematian manusia yang akan amti padanya, sungguh Allah telah khususkan dengan ilmu-Nya akan segala urusan ini semuanya |
This is one of those verses which answer the question without citing the question itself.