اين يحدث الانقسام المنصف. ظاهرة العبور والارتباط الوراثي

"Loss of Heterozygosity, or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Mitotic Recombination" Helleday, Thomas 27 November 2003
Xu, T; GM Rubin April 1993

ظاهرة العبور والارتباط الوراثي

, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 371-414.

اين يحدث الانقسام المنصف في الخلايا وما هي مراحل الانقسام الاختزالي
; Dominska, Margaret; Gawel, Malgorzata; Hamilton, Monica; Petes, Thomas D
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The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces
مراحل الانقسام المنصف
In: Strathern, J; Jones, E; Broach J
"A Fine-Structure Map of Spontaneous Mitotic Crossovers in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae" "Analysis of genetic mosaics in developing and adult Drosophila tissues"
LaFave, MC; J Sekelsky 2009 "The RAD52 gene is required for homothallic interconversion of mating types and spontaneous mitotic recombination in yeast"

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"Somatic Crossing Over and Segregation in Drosophila Melanogaster".

ظاهرة العبور والارتباط الوراثي
American Journal of Human Genetics
اين يحدث الانقسام المنصف
"Cancer predisposition caused by elevated mitotic recombination in Bloom mice"
اين يحدث الانقسام المنصف
"The Role of Radiation rad Genes in Meiotic Recombination in Yeast"