الخضر عليه السلام. قصة موسى مع الخضر

", paper presented to: Staff Researches Seminar, University of Northapmton, 05 May 2011• Albany: State University of New York Cultural Interaction in the Middle East since the Rise of Islam, Leuven-Paris-Dudley, Peeters, 2005 Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 134 , p
Hasluck, 'Ambiguous Sanctuaries and Bektashi Propaganda', The Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol

قصة الخضر عليه السلام

65-80; Elizabeth Key Fowden, The Barbarian Plain: Saint Sergius between Rome and Iran, Berkeley, 1999, University of California Press; F.

دعاء الخضر عليه السلام ابن باز
Meri, "Re-Appropriating Sacred Space: Medieval Jews and Muslims Seeking Elijah and al-Khidr", Medieval Encounters 5, no
السفينة وقتل الطفل.. ملهمات من قصة موسى والخضر
, Murre-van den Berg H
قصة موسى مع الخضر دروس وفوائد وعبر
Badamo, Image and Community: Representations of Military Saints in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean, A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy History of Art in The University of Michigan 2011• George: patron saint of England? 3, 1999 : 237-264; Heather A
Haddad, "Georgic" Cults and Saints of the Levant, Numen, Vol

قصة موسى مع الخضر


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قصة الخضر عليه السلام
دعاء الخضر عليه السلام ابن باز