تزيد من فرصة عيش النسل ونموه. PCM

, book by Gottfried Lemperie, M Gautier, Marthe; Harper, Peter S
Klaiman, P and E Arndt 1989 For criticism of the method, see Novella, S

تزيد من فرصه عيش النسل ونموه

The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century's Sustainability Crises.

الدرس 4 دورات الحياة
The Role of OT With Persons With Down Syndrome
تزيد من فرصة عيش النسل ونموه
"John Langdon Down: The Man and the Message"
فسر تعزيز رجال الامن دعم للامن الوطني
Pradhan M, Dalal A, Khan F, Agrawal S 2006
"Maternal age specific risk rate estimates for Down syndrome among live births in whites and other races from Ohio and metropolitan Atlanta, 1970-1989" "Comprehensive speech and language treatment for infants, toddlers, and children with Down syndrome"
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press "Gonadal function in patients with Down syndrome"

متلازمة داون

" The Role of OT With Persons With Down Syndrome.

التخطيط السكاني
Center for Disease Control 6 January 2006
هل اسم ملاك حرام ام حلال في الاسلام
160 3 Part 1 : 967—968
التخطيط السكاني
Lozano, Rafael; Naghavi, Mohsen; Foreman, Kyle; Lim, Stephen; Shibuya, Kenji; Aboyans, Victor; Abraham, Jerry; Adair, Timothy; Aggarwal, Rakesh 2012-12-15
" - National Down Syndrome Society Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Down Syndrome News and Update "Dad's Age Raises Down Syndrome Risk, Too",

فسر تعزيز رجال الامن دعم للامن الوطني

Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev.

الدرس 4 دورات الحياة
"Classification and nomenclature of malformation Discussion "
التخطيط السكاني
Ellis JM, Tan HK, Gilbert RE; et al
فسر تعزيز رجال الامن دعم للامن الوطني
12: Population: The Multiplier of Everything Else"