رباط صليبي. رباط صلیبی پسین

"The mechanical properties of the two bundles of the human posterior cruciate ligament" Evidence-based recommendations for the management of anterior cruciate ligament ACL rupture
"A review of the anatomical, biomechanical and kinematic findings of posterior cruciate ligament injury with respect to non-operative management" American Journal of Sports Medicine

رباط صلیبی پسین

Anatomical, functional and experimental analysis".

رباط صليبي أمامي
"Posterior Cruciate Ligament: Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Outcomes"
ناظوريّاً: تصنيع رباطٍ صليبيّ لشابٍّ رياضيّ
Cole, Brian; Miller, Mark J
ما هو الرباط الصليبي
Aaltonen, Sari; Karjalainen, Heli; Heinonen, Ari; Parkkari, Jari; Kujala, Urho M
Musculoskeletal injuries of the knee Perioperative pain management strategies for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 106 : 216—31

إعادة بناء الرباط الصليبي الأمامي (ACL)

"The attachments of the fiber bundles of the posterior cruciate ligament: an anatomic study".

ما هو الرباط الصليبي
Return to play following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
پارگى رباط صليبى قدامى چگونه اتفاق می افتد؟ +عکس پارگی رباط صلیبی
British Journal of Sports Medicine
إصابة الرباط الصليبي الأمامي (ACL)
"Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk"