حكم التهنئة بعيد الميلاد. سؤال وجواب عن عيد الميلاد

My mother, who is a mushrik a polytheist , has come to visit me and she desires to be close to me and to give me gifts This was epitomized by the fact that due to the incredible trust they had in him, they deposited their wealth and possessions with him, in fear that they may be lost or stolen
It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to befriend them Allah loves gentleness in all matters

التهنئة بعيد الكريسماس

Greeting non-muslims at their celebrations is considered haram because this is an approval for their religion as many scholars have shown.

التهنئة بعيد الكريسماس
One asks in this context: is it an acceptable act according to these stipulations that one does not greet or congratulate his or her non-Muslim mother on a day of festivity that she celebrates? And whosoever will befriend them, then such are the wrong-doers
ما حكم الاحتفال بعيد الميلاد
Almighty Allah says: …they are body cover for you and you are the same for them… Al- Baqarah 2: 187 Moreover, an important consequence and result of marriage is the coming together of two families to form blood bonds and relationships, a natural human form of relating to one another
بحلول 2021.. هكذا رد الأزهر على فتاوى تحريم تهنئة الأقباط
However, there is a point here that should be noted
In fact, a Muslim may actually feel indebted toward a non-Muslim in particular circumstances, such as toward a hardworking and selfless supervisor or lecturer, a sincere and skillful doctor, and others This is unlawful, as we Muslims have our unique festivities
It is difficult to categorize certain feasts like Thanksgiving and New Year as religious Indeed, between the Muslims and the non-Muslims are strong and integral links stipulated and deemed necessary by the means and manner of life itself, such as neighborly relations, friendship at work or study

حكم التهنئة بعيد الميلاد للأقارب

We also wish to mention that some jurists, such as Ibn Taymiyah and his student the great scholar Ibn-ul-Qayyim, adopted stringent measures and restricted the permissibility of this issue and the participation of Muslims in the celebrations of non-Muslims.

بحلول 2021.. هكذا رد الأزهر على فتاوى تحريم تهنئة الأقباط
, that death will come upon you as it will come upon me
تهنئة النصارى في أعيادهم
Jamal Badawi, permit new converts to attend their family celebrations without participating in anything that is purely religious related to these celebrations
سؤال وجواب عن عيد الميلاد
A: These are a collection of fatwas regarding this matter which shows greeting non muslims on their religious celebrations is not prohibited in islam but there are guidelines regarding this greeting