שונא כשאני אוהב אותך 2. Shaarei Teshuvah 2

' They said to him, 'Our master, the king, the field that you gave us was inferior, and we worked it with all of our strength And it is like the matter that Israel said, "We shall do and we shall listen," at [Mount] Sinai - as they had the acceptance of the deed upon themselves, precede the listening
" The explanation of the content is [that] when you think of from where you came, your spirit will be humbled and you will hate pride But it is likely that his soul is bitter about that which he was [not stronger] in the face of his impulse


Especially since these people's main thoughts and actions are matters of their body and the vanities of their time, they have done much evil.

Addicted ( Hebrew )
Do you not see that if a king rebukes someone who has sinned to him and he has not become chastised, [the king] will make his punishment harsher and be very hard on him
Shaarei Teshuvah 2
An evil man seeks only to rebel; a cruel messenger will be sent against him
נפלנו כך 2
It is as our Rabbis, may their memory be blessed, said Shabbat 152 , As Torah scholars grow older, wisdom is increased in them
Take words with you, etc " Therefore Scripture warned us that we should purify ourselves before God with our repentance; and He will atone for us on that day to purify us
"With death as their shepherd" - the death of evildoers is not like the death of animals; the death of animals is once, but the death of the evildoers will shepherd them every day "The upright shall rule over them in the morning" - it compared the time of the resurrection of the dead to the morning, when a man wakes up from his sleep; and like the matter that is stated Daniel 12:2 , "Many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth will awake

המכתב שהמתבגר שלך לא יכול לכתוב לך

For rebukers are called angels malakhim, which literally means messengers , as it is stated II Chronicles 36:16 , "But they mocked the messengers of God and disdained His words and taunted His prophets.

Asia4HB — קשה להגיד שאני אוהב אותך
" Its explanation is [that] it is true that harsh rebuke is appropriate for one who has forsaken the way and transgresses the words of the Torah
Asia4HB — קשה להגיד שאני אוהב אותך
" Its explanation is, like a father to a son, so too does God desire the one He rebukes and who accepts His reproof - in the same way a father desires his son after the rebukes
האופי חזר לבירה: הפכה פיגור ל
And truly a person is obligated to serve, God, may He be blessed, with his limbs