القمر هو كوكب. هل القمر كوكب؟

Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry De Atley 18 March 2011
; Quantin, Cathy; Mangold, Nicolas 2007 Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand

معلومات عن القمر

Lunar impact-melt data regarding impact history".

القمر هو……كوكب غير مضيء كوكب مضيء نجم
"Recent outgassing from the lunar surface: the Lunar Prospector alpha particle spectrometer"
لماذا لا يُعَدُّ القمرُ كوكبًا؟
Planetary Science and Research Discoveries
هل القمر كوكب؟
"Interior composition, structure, and dynamics of the Galilean satellites
"Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation" "Thermal and magmatic evolution of the Moon"
"Past Orientation of the Lunar Spin Axis"

معلومات عن القمر

: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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