مما تتكون الخليه. خلية

Jesse Gray; Shana Groeschler; Tony Le; Zara Gonzalez 2002 "Metabolism of oxygen radicals in peroxisomes and cellular implications"
Assuming that the length of biceps is 20 cm and the length of sarcomere is 2 micrometer, there are 100,000 sarcomeres along the length of biceps Dowling JJ, Vreede AP, Kim S, Golden J, Feldman EL 2008

مما تتكون خلية النحل

Hooke called the pores cells because they re- minded him of the cells inhabited by monks living in a monastery.

شرح درس : اجزاء الخلية
"The molecular motor toolbox for intracellular transport"
مما تتكون خلية النحل
Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P 2002
, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Retrieved 11-6-2020
Johnson, KA; Rosenbaum, JL 1992 "The organization of ribosomal RNA processing correlates with the distribution of nucleolar snRNAs"
Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky LS, et al ; Brad Williamson; Robin J

مما تتكون خلية النحل

, National Cancer Institute-SEER Training modules, Retrieved 11-6-2020.

مما يتكون الفيروس
"Ribosome binding of a single copy of the SecY complex: implications for protein translocation"
14 من مكونات تركيب الخلية الحيوانية
Pugacheva EN, Jablonski SA, Hartman TR, Henske EP, Golemis EA June 2007
مكونات الخلية العصبية
Robinson ed The Oxford Companion to Wine Third Edition p 54 Oxford University Press 2006• The Immune System," Garland Science Publishing, New York, NY