There is a strong relations between a social fact in novel and social fact in society that terms of economics and politics | |
ABSTRACT Sociology of literature is a combination of sociology and literature, which has a very important role because literature can never be separated from the social aspect of society | It can be seen from the plot novels that highlight the suffering of the working class as dominant |
This research is a qualitative descriptive study.
21Adapun sosiologi sastra marxis adalah salah satu teori sosiologi sastra yang mempelajari tentang kelas sosial dan konflik sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat | Terdapat banyak ketimpangan dari segi ekonomi, sosial, dan politik sehingga menimbulkan pertentangan kelas dan dampak negatif bagi masyarakat desa |
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif | There are two social classes, the borjuis class were represented by Abdul Wadud and subordinate class were represented by peasants in the village |
Of the exposure, the researchers propose two formulas related with marxist sociology of literature, 1.