قلم. کتابخانه قلم

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Apps for Surface Pen Adobe Photoshop CC Create amazing images in Photoshop, unlocking its full potential on your Surface with the new Surface Pen, plus programmable shortcuts on Surface Dial 2• Apps for Surface Pen Autodesk SketchBook Unleash the drawing power of the new Surface Pen Taking and managing notes with OneNote is easier than ever

قلم (رایانه)

Apps for Surface Pen Zen Brush Enjoy the feeling of using an ink brush to write or paint.

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Microsoft reserves the right to modify or discontinue offers at any time to the extent permitted by applicable law
Specifically designed for Pen and touch input, SketchBook delivers a fluid, natural drawing experience
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Apps for Surface Pen FluidMath Award-winning educational software that enables teachers and students to create, graph, solve and animate math and physics problems in their own handwriting Microsoft reserves the right to modify or discontinue offers at any time

کتابخانه قلم

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کتابخانه قلم
4 [1] Surface Pen tilt functionality is currently available with Surface Pro 5th Gen, Surface Pro 6, Surface Book 2, Surface Go, Surface Studio 1st Gen, and Surface Studio 2
Surface Pen
Apps for Surface Pen CLIP STUDIO PAINT The graphics software that gives you the most optimized features for digital drawing and painting, illustrations, comics, manga, animation and more
The Microsoft Store Promise for Surface Shop with confidence at Microsoft Store