احلى حاجه فيكي كلمات. بالحلال احلى

You have what i have always dreamt about Nights,let me Let me fall to death in your love This is love is more than i deserve, i swear what more could i wish for there is no one as inocennt as you nor more precious to me I'm all yours,don't say i'm lying your eyes,my heart,my mind,my soul,my life all those i could never re-pay for and till the last day in my life I want you,let me let me fall to death in your love This is love is more than i deserve, i swear what more could i wish for? You make eveything that you'r eyes look at beautiful The moon is not equal to you Come,I'll tell you what's the best thing about you Or you already understand what i mean ,and what is on my mind? Nights,let me Let me fall to death in your love This is love is more than i deserve i swear what more could i wish for?

كلمات مهرجان أنا في حاجة هتجنني (أنا قولت لابويا عليكي)


اغنية احلي حاجه فيكي
كلمات أغنية وقت قريب
اغنية احلي حاجه فيكي

محمد حماقي كلمات أغنية أحلى حاجه فيكي


اغنية احلي حاجه فيكي
محمد حماقي كلمات أغنية ما بلاش
كلمات اغنية احلى حاجة فيكي لمحمد حماقي