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Kurtz, Paul 1981 , "Is Parapsychology a Science? "Parapsychological research: A tutorial review and critical appraisal" The Search for Psychic Power: ESP and Parapsychology Revisited
"Investigating Rhine's methods, we find that his mathematical methods are wrong and that the effect of this error would in some cases be negligible and in others very marked ; Levitt, Norman; Lewis, Martin W

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This is something that parapsychology has never succeeded in producing.

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, Handbook of Psychology 2003 , Volume 8: Clinical Psychology
الجانب النفسي
The New Apocrypha: A Guide to Strange Sciences and Occult Beliefs
تعريف علم النفس الاجتماعي
Catriona Barrett, , University of Southampton
The Ganzfeld database is particularly suitable for this study, because the parapsychological phenomenon it investigates is widely believed to be nonexistent The Deceivers: Lives of the Great Imposters
"A skeptic's beliefs and disbeliefs"

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We find that many of his experiments were set up in a manner which would tend to increase, instead of to diminish, the possibility of systematic clerical errors; and lastly, that the ESP cards can be read from the back.

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We consider [questionable research practices] in the context of a meta-analysis database of Ganzfeld—telepathy experiments from the field of experimental parapsychology
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ESP and Parapsychology: A Critical Re-Evaluation
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Many observers refer to the field as a 'pseudoscience'