سورت الرحمن. فضیلت سوره الرحمن و دعاهای آن + نام دیگر سوره الرحمن

﴾50﴿ Wherein are two fountains flowing ﴾61﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾56﴿ Therein are those of modest gaze, whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them
- ﴾72﴿ Fair ones, close-guarded in pavilions - ﴾73﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾6﴿ The stars and the trees prostrate - ﴾74﴿ Whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them - ﴾75﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? Every day He exerciseth universal power

Surah Ar

﴾31﴿ We shall dispose of you, O ye two dependents man and jinn.

فضیلت سوره الرحمن و دعاهای آن + نام دیگر سوره الرحمن
متن و ترجمه سوره الرحمن + عکس و صوت
﴾35﴿ There will be sent, against you both, heat of fire and flash of brass, and ye will not escape
فضیلت و خواص سوره الرحمن عروس قرآن
﴾35﴿ There will be sent, against you both, heat of fire and flash of brass, and ye will not escape
﴾43﴿ This is hell which the guilty deny ﴾30﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾68﴿ Wherein is fruit, the date-palm and pomegranate
- ﴾72﴿ Fair ones, close-guarded in pavilions - ﴾73﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾51﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾19﴿ He hath loosed the two seas ﴾67﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾22﴿ There cometh forth from both of them the pearl and coral-stone

فضیلت و خواص سوره الرحمن عروس قرآن

﴾41﴿ The guilty will be known by their marks, and will be taken by the forelocks and the feet.

متن و ترجمه سوره الرحمن + عکس و صوت
﴾59﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾56﴿ Therein are those of modest gaze, whom neither man nor jinni will have touched before them
فوائد قراءة سورة الرحمن يومياً
﴾20﴿ There is a barrier between them
فضیلت سوره الرحمن و دعاهای آن + نام دیگر سوره الرحمن
﴾78﴿ Blessed be the name of thy Lord, Mighty and glorious! ﴾33﴿ O company of jinn and men, if ye have power to penetrate all regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate them! ﴾41﴿ The guilty will be known by their marks, and will be taken by the forelocks and the feet
﴾10﴿ And the earth hath He appointed for His creatures, ﴾11﴿ Wherein are fruit and sheathed palm-trees, ﴾12﴿ Husked grain and scented herb ﴾65﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾7﴿ And the sky He hath uplifted; and He hath set the measure, ﴾8﴿ That ye exceed not the measure, ﴾9﴿ But observe the measure strictly, nor fall short thereof
﴾37﴿ And when the heaven splitteth asunder and becometh rosy like red hide - ﴾38﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾24﴿ His are the ships displayed upon the sea, like banners ﴾65﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾53﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾28﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾29﴿ All that are in the heavens and the earth entreat Him

سورة الرحمن مكتوبة

﴾32﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾57﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾70﴿ Wherein are found the good and beautiful - ﴾71﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾13﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾28﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? Read and Download Ar-Rahman Ayat by Ayat in English Translation and Tafseer.

متن و ترجمه سوره الرحمن + عکس و صوت
﴾10﴿ And the earth hath He appointed for His creatures, ﴾11﴿ Wherein are fruit and sheathed palm-trees, ﴾12﴿ Husked grain and scented herb
Surah Ar
﴾57﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾52﴿ Wherein is every kind of fruit in pairs
القرآن الكريم/سورة الرحمن
﴾13﴿ Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? ﴾44﴿ They go circling round between it and fierce, boiling water