قمة العشرين 2021. قمة مجموعة العشرين الرياض 2020

2 1,241,450 2,658,041 9,807 20,602 0 The intense schedule will embrace a large part of the country, highlighting many of the extraordinary realities scattered throughout its territory
761 210,869,000 8,515,767 Y Y Emerging 910 1,739,110 1,896,725 46,733 49,651 0


The Italian Presidency and the European Commission also jointly organized the Global Health Summit, held on the 21st of May, at the highest level, enabling us to respond to the major challenges linked to the health crisis.

قمة العشرين
The Research Ministerial will be chaired by Minister of University and Research Cristina Messa
مجموعة العشرين
920 328,116,000 9,526,468 Y Y Y Y Advanced 18,705,132 22,761,233 33,715 41,091 0
موعد قمة العشرين 2020 وتفاصيل وفعاليات قمة 2020 G20 Riyadh summit
The Summit will be chaired by President of the Council of Ministers
Accessed on 12 April 2019 During the Open Forum, there will be the Award Ceremony for the winners of the International Award for Sustainable Agriculture, funded by the Italian G20 Presidency
In 2021 the international community will need to show courage and ambition in order to overcome the great challenges of today: from recovering from the pandemic to addressing climate change, from supporting innovation to overcoming poverty and inequality Ministers of Economy and Finance are traditionally invited to attend the event

قمة مجموعة العشرين الرياض 2020

4 2,761,633 3,054,599 42,931 45,775 0.

قمة العشرين تدعو لإقرار الضريبة على الشركات متعددة الجنسيات
922 37,078,000 9,984,670 Y Y Y Y Advanced 4,629 14,216,503 27,331,166 10,276 18,110 0
متى قمة العشرين 2021 في السعودية؟ والدول الأعضاء في مجموعة العشرين
1 2,829,163 3,128,185 42,261 45,705 0
قمة العشرين
The Development Ministers had an ad hoc session in Brindisi on the 30th of June
830 44,570,000 2,780,400 Emerging 481 758 1,396,982,000 9,634,057 Y Y Emerging 1,227
707 265,316,000 1,904,569 Y Y Y Emerging 1,047 915 126,431,000 377,930 Y Y Y Y Advanced 915

قمة العشرين تدعو لإقرار الضريبة على الشركات متعددة الجنسيات

4 2,025,866 2,442,144 34,349 39,637 0.

شولتس: مجموعة العشرين تتفق على خطوات لإنهاء الملاذات الضريبية
We need to take care of people and of our planet, while ensuring a strong, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery
قمة مجموعة العشرين الرياض 2020
Both meetings have been chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi di Maio
موعد قمة العشرين 2020 وتفاصيل وفعاليات قمة 2020 G20 Riyadh summit
It will be chaired by Minister of Agriculture Stefano Patuanelli