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FRELIMO was given national security responsibilities of the newly independent country A man with a Congolese ID hidden in his shoe tried to use a French passport to enter the US via Brazil
The story then describes how Spanish explorers from places like Corodoba population 30,000 and Seville population 60,000 decided that when they entered this peaceful city of people offering gifts…taking hostages was the right move Around mid-day, the SAS quickly advanced towards the tented base and children who had survived the morning bombing had rushed towards them, crying for help, and almost every one of the children had got a pistol bullet between their eyes


Optimistic theories about a Portuguese-speaking economic union with its former colonies were floated.

I find it appalling when I hear SAS veterans to this day lie about their role and falsely claim blacks preferred white-only rule so much that blacks volunteered to violently oppose blacks entering government
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This talk pulls forward surprising and obscured learning errors during the Cold War to give context to modern machine learning successes and how things quickly may fall apart in evolving domains with cyber conflict
Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John
The most certainly deserved it They were very wrong, while also being right
In 1978 these units were combined into the Rhodesia Defence Regiment With the advantage of the high ground, we lobbed fragmentation grenades down on top of them, followed by a couple of white phosphorous canisters

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It moved quickly as inroads had started to develop for a majority rule system.

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Imagine someone showing up for dinner without warning, eating your food and kidnapping your daughter and then calling themselves ambushed when police show up to try to rescue her
Gardens of pumpkins, corn and sunflowers lay between the homes
Of these 2,297 turned out to be false positives and 173 were correctly identified — 92 per cent of matches were incorrect